Dr. Ashish Dutta, a renowned cosmetic surgeon, embarked on his medical journey in India, earning his MBBS degree in Kolkata in 1986. Seeking to enhance his expertise, he ventured to the UK, immersing himself in diverse surgical disciplines such as trauma, emergency medicine, and orthopaedics.

In 2000, Dr. Dutta transitioned to laser surgery after participating in his inaugural training session with Lumenis. This pivotal moment marked the genesis of his specialization in non-surgical and laser techniques. Concurrently, he founded his inaugural clinic, Aesthetic Beauty Centre, in Sunderland, expanding its footprint to Newcastle by 2004, establishing it as the group’s central hub.

Dr. Dutta’s pursuit of excellence and perpetual education has positioned him as a pioneer in his domain. He spearheaded the introduction of Fraxel Laser and Thermage Skin tightening treatments in the UK, emphasizing realistic outcomes and comprehensive patient consultations, garnering widespread acclaim as a distinguished practitioner.

As a fervent advocate for cosmetic medicine and surgery, Dr. Dutta actively engages in national and international courses and conferences, sharing insights and fostering dialogue among peers. His unwavering dedication was duly acknowledged by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, bestowing upon him the title of Fellow in October 2016.


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